It's Saturday morning. Waking up at the Breezy Inn in Warwick on Greenland Lake. It is hard to believe this is only 60 miles away from the city. There are only the sounds of geese and ducks and throw in an occasional fish splash for the first hour of the day.
Last night, the full moon shown over a triplex of movie screens where cars, trucks, and SUVs lined up to get a parking space in the drive-in movie experience.
There's a small hill with rows arcing around each screen. In a previous generation, the cars would pull up to a pole with wired metal speakers and you would roll your window down, put the speaker in the window and then roll the window back up with the speaker hanging on the inside. Nowadays, you get a radio "station" to tune into the movie broadcast. There was also an app available to get the audio. I guess that would work if you want to use your phone. That would definitely come in handy if you wanted to sit in a lawn chair.
For Friday's schedule, there were 3 double features. We saw the 1993 PG classic Hocus Pocus. It was followed by The New Mutants. Like most people though, we only stuck around for the first film. Remember, summer's over and the season will be soon, too.
On the other screens, they paired up The Call with Alone and Infidel with The Last Shift. They are only open on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday now.
If you're driving there from the city, make it a day (or sleepover at the Breezy Inn on nearby Greenwood Lake) and go apple picking while you still can. Across the street is Pennings Farm and other nearby u-pick places are Och's Orchards and Masker Orchards.
Tickets were $12 per adult. The weekend's schedule will be available by Wednesdays and this weekend is already out. They have Goosebumps and Hotel Transylvania, The War with Grandpa and Alone, and The Call and Hocus Pocus.

Cars and trucks lined up waiting for the gates to open.

Hocus Pocus title screen as the show begins.